how to generate free traffic to your website
website traffic is one of the most challenging tasks for any digital marketer and they will think a possible way to generate relevant traffic to their website. we will reveal simply How do you get free traffic to your website. Getting free traffic to your website is not easy because SEO takes more time to generate traffic, but we are using some free website sources to get free traffic to our website and the same strategy we discussed below.
Quora: quora is the number one traffic source to get free traffic to your website, quora is question and answers forums in this forum people ask a question and get answers. According to the latest traffic source, quora is building wonderful traffic for us. submit any queries in google search you can easily find quora answers and try to solve those queries in a relevant answer. before answering you first signup quora then set up your profile to solve users’ problems via your answer and insert your website link in between your article and drive traffic to your website. quora will drive you lakhs of free website traffic from Google itself and then they are other search engines as well.
Facebook Groups: The second traffic source to get free high-quality traffic is Facebook groups. Facebook groups are not a new platform they have existing social platforms. Facebook is pushing Facebook groups really hard recently and even coming years Facebook groups will be a priority source to generate traffic that’s why you see posts, feeds notification everywhere on Facebook. In-fact Facebook provides a dedicated app for groups, in other words, Facebook groups are very active now, this means if you build a targeted audience around your website business you can easily get free traffic fast. so Facebook groups can be a great source to get free traffic your business. you don’t need to create any new groups you can utilize other groups to get free traffic.
Medium: Medium is a free blogging platform you can write and publish blog articles and the more amazing medium is a very high authoritative website so if you write high quality article may your article can rank pretty high and get a good amount of free traffic to your website. but that traffic comes to you with a medium website platform only you may create a detailed blog post about a particular topic and publish it on your website then write a mini version of that article and publish it on medium and given a link to your website the same as QUORA.
Youtube: video marketing is the future marketing and when comes to video marketing YouTube is the number one source to get free traffic. you can consider YouTube is another google because YouTube is the second most popular website after google. Most people are using YouTube as search engines this means you have a great opportunity to create keyword target video content based on your niche or services and build free traffic to your website. you can easily create video content that may be you are introvert and struggle to face camera you can hire someone to produce your video presentations.
Pinterest: the quickest traffic source to get free traffic is Pinterest. Pinterest is an image sharing website where you can create pinboards and pin images on it. you can signup Pinterest and simple upload images and link to your website to get free website traffic Pinterest is the most popular referral traffic source to generate traffic to your website.
LinkedIn: Linkedin is another good source to generate decent traffic. LinkedIn has emerged as the most useful social network for B2B marketers. select topic which is more interesting you write detailed content. when you have Optimize Personal Profile and you have any groups you will get better free traffic from LinkedIn.
There you have it! six wonderful simple strategies that can help you drive more traffic to your website. That too, completely free of cost.
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